To be an authentic leader…be yourself, more, with skill Authentic leaders inspire trust, foster genuine connections, and cultivate environments where individuals can thrive. As a strengths-based leadership coach, I am …
Positief Leiderschap
Positief leiderschap stelt de mens centraal, het gaat uit van het potentieel, de kracht van mensen en het stimuleren van een positieve, psychologisch veilige omgeving waar medewerkers kunnen floreren.
Strengths-based Performance Management – a guest blog from James Brook, founder Strengthscope, leadership consultant, organizational psychologist and executive coach
This is a guest blog from James Brook (our partner in the UK for positive people management development), leadership consultant, organizational psychologist and executive coach & MD of Plexus Leadership. …
The power of positive leadership
Positive leadership
Positive, Talent-oriented, Leadership
Leadership behavior can have a big influence on the quality of the workplace, either bad or good. By helping people to play to their strengths and find more purpose at …